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About Us

Why we started Therapy In Your Home

    • Therapy In Your Home OT, PT, ST was established to meet a need: To help you find a therapist who would come to your home even if insurance would not pay for it. For instance:
  • You had home health care, paid by your insurance, but the therapists have stopped coming and you still want more therapy
  • You don’t have insurance
  • You don’t have transportation to get to outpatient therapy
  • Your insurance can’t find a provider through a home health agency but we have one for you. We have a wide range of therapists with a wide range of specialty areas and languages.
  • You like having your own therapist.

However as we grew, since 1999, we began accepting Medicare Part B (out patient therapy provided IN the home), billing insurance for you and contracting with a variety of agencies and health care systems who needed just the right therapist.

About the Founder

Julie Groves, OTR/L*, has worked in home care since 1980. Her experience includes hospitals and rehabilitation facilities in the California Bay Area and the Central Coast. She maintains contact with clients, encouraging each therapist to be as comprehensive, individual, and effective as possible.

*OTR/L stands for Occupational Therapist, Registered [nationally]/Licensed [in California]

About the Owner

Najmus Saher, PT, is a California licensed Physical Therapist and the owner of Therapy In Your Home. Her experience includes working at Sanford Medical Center in Fargo, ND in an acute care setting where she delivered treatment for acute neurologic, orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, oncology, bariatric, medical and surgical patients. In the past, she worked as a licensed PT in the states of New York, Michigan and North Dakota. Saher believes in providing a well-rounded care to her clients to enable them lead a productive and happy life. 

About the Therapists

    • Therapy In Your Home is a group of therapists experienced in providing care in the home.  They want to provide personalized care, and have their own areas of expertise.
    • We offer a wide variety of personalities, schedules, languages, specialty areas and locations. All therapists meet home health agency hiring requirements. Information about each therapist is available on request. Each therapist is covered by malpractice insurance and is licensed in California.

Some therapists work as employees for Therapy In Your Home and some work for themselves and we share referrals with them.

We find just the right therapist for you:

    • Specially trained for your needs
    • Personality you like: encouraging, strict, gentle, funny, tough,
    • Schedule that matches yours
    • Language: If you are more comfortable in a language other than English, we can attempt to find just the right therapist for you.

Paperwork to get started


  • Hi Julie. I always feel so much better after seeing you. I love your encouragement and clarity.  I was thinking about quality of life and realize that my biggest issue is that I seldom feel good in my body. Everything is really hard to do and awkward and the only time I am comfortable is when I’m lying down on my bed.  Sometimes sitting on my couch I’m comfortable but not for long.  Anyway, thanks again for today.  BL 2021
  • “Dorothy is really happy with her therapist… She said she is sharp, thinks ahead and has a plan, and is at the top”  BM  2020
  • S. really likes working with Melody.  She has been a god send.   And S. has made good progress from where he was I believe.  JA 2020

  • Thank you so much for sending Lynn to us. She was so good with Mom in so many ways! We will truly miss her. Our new address…  Thank you so much for the helping hands and hearts.  JH and J 2020
  • Thank you Julie.  Lisa has taught me so much in her two visits that I have already been able to apply to easing my recovery.  I’m looking forward to her upcoming visit next week.  Just wanted you to know.  EG 2019
  • Thank you so much for all that you do.  I don’t know where I would be without the care of your team.  Be so very proud of all that you do.  DM  2016
  • From the very first day that she arrived, she was very successful in establishing rapport with me. This helped to lower my anxiety and instill a confidence that she not only was very skilled, but she also demonstrated being vested in my successful recovery.  Each time she came, she patiently demonstrated the exercises and explained what each one was going to accomplish. She explained at great length what my short term and long term goals were going to be.  Every day that I do my exercises, I remember her and am very thankful to the Lord that it was P… who came to assist in my recovery.   I am grateful for  organizations such as yours that are dedicated to providing the services that are so necessary to educate patients about how they can improve their health.  MDV 2016
  • You were very helpful over the phone, gave me suggestions and directed me to an agency who would take my insurance. MP 10-07
  • It was extraordinary meeting you and observing you work with my aunt today! You certainly have a special way of making everyone feel good. I’ve been thinking about today’s session. There is this focusing that you do that makes every minute with you precious, healing and memorable. Both my mothers and my anxiety levels dropped, hearing your compassionate and eloquently explained reminder of what its like to be slowing down. I loved the way you’d think for a second, as if reaching right into your intelligence and heart to figure out what to say, if this were my mother, Id I have to say I learned a lot today. I stopped grumbling at my mother and treated her more gently. A huge thank you! MT by email 12-05
  • We loved the great job Agnes did with Bob. Mrs. F 7-07
  • Wonderful to experience the type of professional you provided compared to the ones we saw at the SNF and the ones home health agency sent. (NOTE: Therapy In Your Home may send a therapist who also works in a SNF or for a Home Health Agency. But when working for Therapy In Your Home they are freed from the boundaries of those systems.  One of the benefits of our service is that it reminds the therapists of why they love their profession and encourages more therapists to stay in their profession.)
  • Mary A. and her husband celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary with their 8 children. The festivities began with a champagne toast. Then she got up and did all of her exercise routine to show everyone how well she was doing. She must be improving! SM, a therapist, reporting in by email 5-06
  • You suggested I try home care for PT for my elderly aunt. She did qualify for a few visits and I appreciate your help. HM 2003
  • Our goal was to access his capabilities and therapy needs. We met them 100%. QI survey 2001
  • I have osteoporosis and cant be helped too much but this helped a lot. QI survey 2001

Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2015 from the Occupational Therapy Association of California:  Julie’s acceptance Speech

To Occupational Therapists

Thank you, I am delighted to share my image of my company with you:

  • Picture this: There is a client who lives near you and needs your expertise
  • Picture this: I get calls from people looking for therapists.  They don’t always know they need an OT, but they usually would benefit from seeing one.  
  • Picture this: There are therapists, maybe you, who sometimes would like to make a home visit for just the right client
  • Our success is that perfect match of client/therapist
    • Getting more clients seen by OT
    • Giving more OTs the option to see clients in their home

Who do I have to thank for our success?

  • Great Therapists: holistic, client centered, professional.  Pediatric Geriatric, and Mental Health specialists making visits in the home and community
  • Conscientious office staff who bill Medicare Part B, insurance and private pay and maintain contracts with agencies and entities who do not have their own therapists to make visits to the home and community
  • Silicon Valley SCORE of the Small Business Administration who has helped from the start and continues to guide me
  • My family who was willing to try this idea and gave me time
  • My OT training which taught me to see a need, see a solution and to adapt. We adapted a health care model to keep the focus on what the client needs and where they need it.

So thank you OT profession, you have served me well.